Monday, December 31, 2012

Congratulations, Al-Queda!

From the NSP News Service:  The National Socialist Party thoroughly endorses the concept of Al-Queda carving out its own nation in Mali. The NSP views Al-Queda as a postmodern form of the Third Reich SS: dedication and complete loyalty to a set of ideals, objectives and deeply-held religious beliefs much akin to the German SS pledge "meine Ehre heisst Treue," or "my honor is my loyalty."  The Party wishes Al-Queda the very best of luck in reaching their goals.

Please note the story below:

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Al-Qaeda carves out its own country in Mali

1:59 PM, Dec 31, 2012 |

In this April 24, 2012 file photo, fighters from Islamist group Ansar Dine stand guard during a hostage handover in the desert outside Timbuktu, Mali. / AP photo/File

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MOPTI, Mali (AP) - Deep inside caves, in remote desert bases, in the escarpments and cliff faces of northern Mali, Islamic fighters are burrowing into the earth, erecting a formidable set of defenses to protect what has essentially become al-Qaeda's new country.
They have used the bulldozers, earth movers and Caterpillar machines left behind by fleeing construction crews to dig what residents and local officials describe as an elaborate network of tunnels, trenches, shafts and ramparts. In just one case, inside a cave large enough to drive trucks into, they have stored up to 100 drums of gasoline, guaranteeing their fuel supply in the face of a foreign intervention, according to experts.
Northern Mali is now the biggest territory held by al-Qaeda and its allies. And as the world hesitates, delaying a military intervention, the extremists who seized control of the area earlier this year are preparing for a war they boast will be worse than the decade-old struggle in Afghanistan.
"Al-Qaeda never owned Afghanistan," said former United Nations diplomat Robert Fowler, a Canadian kidnapped and held for 130 days by al-Qaeda's local chapter, whose fighters now control the main cities in the north. "They do own northern Mali."
Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Africa has been a shadowy presence for years in the forests and deserts of Mali, a country hobbled by poverty and a relentless cycle of hunger. In recent months, the terror syndicate and its allies have taken advantage of political instability within the country to push out of their hiding place and into the towns, taking over an enormous territory which they are using to stock arms, train forces and prepare for global jihad.
The catalyst for the Islamic fighters was a military coup nine months ago that transformed Mali from a once-stable nation to the failed state it is today. On March 21, disgruntled soldiers invaded the presidential palace. The fall of the nation's democratically elected government at the hands of junior officers destroyed the military's command-and-control structure, creating the vacuum which allowed a mix of rebel groups to move in.
With no clear instructions from their higher-ups, the humiliated soldiers left to defend those towns tore off their uniforms, piled into trucks and beat a retreat as far as Mopti, roughly in the center of Mali. They abandoned everything north of this town to the advancing rebels, handing them an area that stretches over more than 240,000 square miles. It's a territory larger than Texas or France - and it's almost exactly the size of Afghanistan.
Turbaned fighters now control all the major towns in the north, carrying out amputations in public squares like the Taliban did. Just as in Afghanistan, they are flogging women for not covering up. Since taking control of Timbuktu, they have destroyed seven of the 16 mausoleums listed as world heritage sites.
The area under their rule is mostly desert and sparsely populated, but analysts say that due to its size and the hostile nature of the terrain, rooting out the extremists here could prove even more difficult than it did in Afghanistan. Mali's former president has acknowledged, diplomatic cables show, that the country cannot patrol a frontier twice the length of the border between the United States and Mexico.
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, known as AQIM, operates not just in Mali, but in a corridor along much of the northern Sahel. This 4,300-mile long ribbon of land runs across the widest part of Africa, and includes sections of Mauritania, Niger, Algeria, Libya, Burkina Faso and Chad.
"One could come up with a conceivable containment strategy for the Swat Valley," said Africa expert Peter Pham, an adviser to the U.S. military's African command center, referring to the region of Pakistan where the Pakistan Taliban have been based. "There's no containment strategy for the Sahel, which runs from the Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea."
Earlier this year, the 15 nations in West Africa, including Mali, agreed on a proposal for the military to take back the north, and sought backing from the United Nations. Earlier this month, the Security Council authorized the intervention but imposed certain conditions, including training Mali's military, which is accused of serious human rights abuses since the coup. Diplomats say the intervention will likely not happen before September of 2013.
In the meantime, the Islamists are getting ready, according to elected officials and residents in Kidal, Timbuktu and Gao, including a day laborer hired by al-Qaeda's local chapter to clear rocks and debris for one of their defenses. They spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear for their safety at the hands of the Islamists, who have previously accused those who speak to reporters of espionage.
The al-Qaeda affiliate, which became part of the terror network in 2006, is one of three Islamist groups in northern Mali. The others are the Movement for the Unity and Jihad in West Africa, or MUJAO, based in Gao, and Ansar Dine, based in Kidal. Analysts agree that there is considerable overlap between the groups, and that all three can be considered sympathizers, even extensions, of al-Qaeda.
The Islamic fighters have stolen equipment from construction companies, including more than $11 million worth from a French company called SOGEA-SATOM, according to Elie Arama, who works with the European Development Fund. The company had been contracted to build a European Union-financed highway in the north between Timbuktu and the village of Goma Coura. An employee of SOGEA-SATOM in Bamako declined to comment.
The official from Kidal said his constituents have reported seeing Islamic fighters with construction equipment riding in convoys behind 4-by-4 trucks draped with their signature black flag. His contacts among the fighters, including friends from secondary school, have told him they have created two bases, around 200 to 300 kilometers (120 and 180 miles) north of Kidal, in the austere, rocky desert.
The first base is occupied by al-Qaeda's local fighters in the hills of Teghergharte, a region the official compared to Afghanistan's Tora Bora.
"The Islamists have dug tunnels, made roads, they've brought in generators, and solar panels in order to have electricity," he said. "They live inside the rocks."
Still further north, near Boghassa, is the second base, created by fighters from Ansar Dine. They too have used seized explosives, bulldozers and sledgehammers to make passages in the hills, he said.
In addition to creating defenses, the fighters are amassing supplies, experts said. A local who was taken by Islamists into a cave in the region of Kidal described an enormous room, where several cars were parked. Along the walls, he counted up to 100 barrels of gasoline, according to the man's testimony to New York-based Human Rights Watch.
In Timbuktu, the fighters are becoming more entrenched with each passing day, warned Mayor Ousmane Halle. Earlier in the year, he said, the Islamists left his city in a hurry after France called for an imminent military intervention. They returned when the U.N. released a report arguing for a more cautious approach.
"At first you could see that they were anxious," said Halle by telephone. "The more the date is pushed back, the more reinforcements they are able to get, the more prepared they become."
In the regional capital of Gao, a young man told The Associated Press that he and several others were offered 10,000 francs a day by al-Qaeda's local commanders (around $20), a rate several times the normal wage, to clear rocks and debris, and dig trenches. The youth said he saw Caterpillars and earth movers inside an Islamist camp at a former Malian military base 7 kilometers (4 miles) from Gao.
The fighters are piling mountains of sand from the ground along the dirt roads to force cars onto the pavement, where they have checkpoints everywhere, he said. In addition, they are modifying their all-terrain vehicles to mount them with arms.
"On the backs of their cars, it looks like they are mounting pipes," he said, describing a shape he thinks might be a rocket or missile launcher. "They are preparing themselves. Everyone is scared."
A university student from Gao confirmed seeing the modified cars. He said he also saw deep holes dug on the sides of the highway, possibly to give protection to fighters shooting at cars, along with cement barriers with small holes for guns.
In Gao, residents routinely see Moktar Belmoktar, the one-eyed emir of the al-Qaeda-linked cell that grabbed Fowler in 2008. Belmoktar, a native Algerian, traveled to Afghanistan in the 1980s and trained in Osama bin Laden's camp in Jalalabad, according to research by the Jamestown Foundation. His lieutenant Oumar Ould Hamaha, whom Fowler identified as one of his captors, brushed off questions about the tunnels and caves but said the fighters are prepared.
"We consider this land our land. It's an Islamic territory," he said, reached by telephone in an undisclosed location. "Right now our field of operation is Mali. If they bomb us, we are going to hit back everywhere."
He added that the threat of military intervention has helped recruit new fighters, including from Western countries.
In December, two U.S. citizens from Alabama were arrested on terrorism charges, accused of planning to fly to Morocco and travel by land to Mali to wage jihad, or holy war. Two French nationals have also been detained on suspicion of trying to travel to northern Mali to join the Islamists. Hamaha himself said he spent a month in France preaching his fundamentalist version of Islam in Parisian mosques after receiving a visa for all European Union countries in 2001.
Hamaha indicated the Islamists have inherited stores of Russian-made arms from former Malian army bases, as well as from the arsenal of toppled Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, a claim that military experts have confirmed.
Those weapons include the SA-7 and SA-2 surface-to-air missiles, according to Hamaha, which can shoot down aircrafts. His claim could not be verified, but Rudolph Atallah, the former counterterrorism director for Africa in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, said it makes sense.
"Gadhafi bought everything under the sun," said Atallah, a retired U.S. Air Force lieutenant colonel, who was a defense attache at the U.S. Embassy in Mali. "His weapons depots were packed with all kinds of stuff, so it's plausible that AQIM now has surface-to-air missiles."
Depending on the model, these missiles can range far enough to bring down planes used by ill-equipped African air forces, although not those used by U.S. and other Western forces, he said. There is significant disagreement in the international community on whether Western countries will carry out the planned bombardments.
The Islamists' recent advances draw on al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb's near decade of experience in Mali's northern desert, where Fowler and his fellow U.N. colleague were held captive for four months in 2008, an experience he recounts in his recent book, "A Season in Hell."
Originally from Algeria, the fighters fled across the border into Mali in 2003, after kidnapping 32 European tourists. Over the next decade, they used the country's vast northern desert to hold French, Spanish, Swiss, German, British, Austrian, Italian and Canadian hostages, raising an estimated $89 million in ransom payments, according to Stratfor, a global intelligence company.
During this time, they also established relationships with local clans, nurturing the ties that now protect them. Several commanders have taken local wives, and Hamaha, whose family is from Kidal, confirmed that Belmoktar is married to his niece.
Fowler described being driven for days by jihadists who knew Mali's featureless terrain by heart, navigating valleys of identical dunes with nothing more than the direction of the sun as their map. He saw them drive up to a thorn tree in the middle of nowhere to find barrels of diesel fuel. Elsewhere, he saw them dig a pit in the sand and bury a bag of boots, marking the spot on a GPS for future use.
In his four-month-long captivity, Fowler never saw his captors refill at a gas station, or shop in a market. Yet they never ran out of gas. And although their diet was meager, they never ran out of food, a testament to the extensive supply network which they set up and are now refining and expanding.
Among the many challenges an invading army will face is the inhospitable terrain, Fowler said, which is so hot that at times "it was difficult to draw breath." A cable published by WikiLeaks from the U.S. Embassy in Bamako described how even the Malian troops deployed in the north before the coup could only work from 4 a.m. to 10 a.m., and spent the sunlight hours in the shade of their vehicles.
Yet Fowler said he saw al-Qaeda fighters chant Quranic verses under the Sahara sun for hours, just one sign of their deep, ideological commitment.
"I have never seen a more focused group of young men," said Fowler, who now lives in Ottawa, Canada. "No one is sneaking off for R&R. They have left their wives and children behind. They believe they are on their way to paradise."

Heil Hitler!

-- Karl Wolff III, NSP Director of Communications.  1488! 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Hitler Statue Riles Jews? More Bitching. . . .

From the NSP News Service:  No matter what anybody does or says, anywhere and at any time, there will be some group of complaining Jews who are against the whole thing. That's the case here, where the story below notes a statue of a kneeling, child-aged Adolf Hitler now placed in the area of Warsaw, Poland, in which the Third Reich-era Jewish ghetto once stood. In spite of the statue having been on world tour, and in spite of the Chief Rabbinate of Poland having no objections, the usual collection of geyiddling idiots have come forth to show their disdain. One such group is the "Simon Wiesenthal Center," with various offices around the globe. Well, you all know where that "Center" can stick it!  It must also be pointed out that the Center, founded by so-called "Nazi-Hunter and Holocaust Survivor" the late Simon Wiesenthal, now "hunts" the few alleged Third Reich-era "Nazi's" still alive. It must also be pointed out that Herr Wiesenthal was, in all likelhood, a fraud who does not qualify as a "Holocaust Survivor" (whatever that is) and who actually tracked down and apprehended no Nazi's. He just blew hot air. Now, his successor as head of the Center, Ephraim Zuroff, skulks around trying to locate the last few alleged concentration camp guards (mostly not German) or SS men still alive today. This is all in an effort to save his high-salaried post and fuel the dwindling fire of "Holocaust Remembrance" in order to maintain "world guilt" over doubtful events alleged to have occurred in the 1930's and 1940's in Europe under Third Reich direction. In fact, the Wiesenthal Center's actual purpose is to drum up funds for World Jewry, Israel in particular, through "guilt manipulation." What a heap of crap!

It should also be remembered that, as a youth, Adolf Hitler first viewed a Swastika symbol on the exterior carvings of a Roman Catholic Church in Linz, Austria. The Swastika was then a commonplace symbol for peace and harmony. If Hitler's plans for the Jews had succeeded, it still would be!

Statue of Hitler praying is displayed in former Warsaw ghetto to controversy

Tomasz Gzell / EPA
The statue of Hitler as a schoolboy kneeling in prayer is visible through this viewing hole as part of an exhibit in Warsaw, Poland.

A statue of Adolph Hitler kneeling in prayer in a courtyard in the former Warsaw Ghetto – where hundreds of thousands of Jews were forced by Nazis to live in inhumane conditions during World War II – has upset those who say the statue's placement is offensive.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish Advocacy group, described the decision to place the statue in the former ghetto as “a senseless provocation which insults the memory of the Nazi’s Jewish victims,” according to the Guardian of London.
Before World War II, Warsaw had the largest Jewish community in Poland and Europe; worldwide it was second only to New York City, according to the Holocaust Encyclopedia. During World War II, about 300,000 Jews in the ghetto died – most of hunger and disease and after being sent to concentration camps where they were killed.

Tomasz Gzell / EPA
Through the hole in a wooden gate, viewers can see a kneeling figure with his back turned. Viewed from the front, that figure is Adolph Hitler, the leader of the Nazi party who sought to exterminate Jews.

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Organizers argue that the statue is intended to be thought-provoking, according to The Associated Press. The exhibition’s catalogue says art “can force us to face the evil of the world.”
The statue, made by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan in 2001, is titled, “HIM” and has drawn thousands of viewers since it was installed in Warsaw last month.
The body of the statue is of a schoolboy kneeling in prayer, and the head is made to resemble Hitler’s. Before being installed in Poland, the statue was shown in galleries, usually at the end of a long hallway with its back to viewers. Only when viewers approached could they see Hitler’s face. Reviewing an exhibit at the Guggenheim Museum in 2011, The New York Times described the statue as “Hitler as a kneeling schoolboy possibly asking forgiveness.”
Cattelan created a similar effect in the former ghetto, where the statue is visible only through a hole in a wooden gate. Cattelan, who is based in New York, has been described as a satirical artist who produced another piece that generated controversy in Warsaw -- an effigy of Pope John Paul II being crushed by a meteorite. Titled “La Nona Ora,” or “Ninth Hour,” the work was also displayed in Poland, a deeply Catholic country.
Zofia Jablonska, 30, told The Associated Press that she thought the best spot for the statue was in “the place where he would kill people.”
Poland’s chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, was consulted about the installation, according to the Guardian, and said he believes it has educational value. Rather than support Hitler, Schudrich told the Guardian it shows that even evil lurks in the shape of a “sweet praying child.”

Saturday, December 8, 2012

REAL Jewish Nonsense; Media Biases!

From the NSP News Service:  Here we go again, folks. Yet another example of the conventional mass media giving coverage of a minor kike religious "celebration" which, prior to World War 2, was hardly noticed even by Jews themselves! And now, to rival Christmas, we have Yids celebrating this "holiday" all over the world. Why, read and view below in order to see two Hassids, the physically and mentally most gross and unclean of all Jew sects (and one of the most fanatical, too, although they are usually not Zionists). I myself have been to many a commercial establishment this year (as in previous years) where a Hanukkah Menorah is displayed, but a nativity scene is not  --  due to the commonplace Jewish rants about biases against the. Does that make sense to you?

pop culture

Public Hanukkah lightings planned in cities worldwide

 Hanukkah: Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, right, and Rabbi Segal Shmoel, left, install a giant Hanukkah menorah at the Pariser Platz on Friday in front of the Brandeburg Gate in Berlin. IMAGE
AP Photo: Markus Schreiber. Hanukkah: Rabbi Yehuda Teichtal, right, and Rabbi Segal Shmoel, left, install a giant Hanukkah menorah at the Pariser Platz on Friday in front of the Brandeburg Gate in Berlin. IMAGE
Candles will glow at landmarks around the world to mark the first night of Hanukkah.

NEW YORK — Menorah lightings to mark the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah are planned near the Eiffel Tower in Paris, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the Ellipse in Washington, D.C., and in many other cities around the world.
In London, a menorah lighting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Dec. 10 in Trafalgar Square. In Paris, a lighting planned for 8 p.m. Dec. 9 will include a concert with live Jewish music and a live video link to menorah lightings in New York and Jerusalem at the Western Wall. In Berlin, the menorah lighting will take place at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 9.
In New York, a "Hanukkah on Ice" event is planned for 6-9 p.m. Dec. 10, with a concert and skating party at the rink in Central Park just north of the 59th Street entrance. At 42nd Street and Fifth Avenue, a giant menorah carved from blocks of ice will be lit at 6 p.m. Dec. 11.
In Washington, the National Menorah Lighting is scheduled for 4 p.m. Dec. 9 at the Ellipse near the White House, with performances by the U.S. Navy Band and musical group The Three Cantors.
In Miami, the Miami Heat host a Jewish heritage night at the basketball team's Dec. 12 game at American Airlines Arena. A menorah will be lit at halftime, and a Hanukkah party will be held on the court after the game.
Numerous other events, all sponsored by the Chabad Lubavitch outreach organization, are scheduled at locations around the world, from U.S. college campuses to city centers large and small, including outposts in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The family-oriented events are open to all, and most are free. Many of the lightings include live music and children's activities. For a searchable directory of events, visit
The eight-day Jewish holiday begins at sundown Dec. 8. The public menorahs will be lit each night, but the exact timing varies due to observances of the Jewish Sabbath on Friday and Saturday nights, and in order to accommodate the schedules of dignitaries attending some of the bigger events

just disgusting! And near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, no less! A few decades ago, these Sheenies would have been sent to a KZ, and straight away! Now there's a good idea which ought to be revived! -- Karl Wolff III, NSP Director of Communications. 1488!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


From the NSP News Service:  Just look at the revolting, disgusting practice used by Jews when slaughtering animals the "Kosher" way! And thank goodness the Polish authorities (among all people, the Poles?) try to put a stop to the painful, gross practices! Yet we needn't be too surprised that Poles lead in this issue. Even though subhuman themselves, Poles have never had a great deal of sympathy for Juden and Judenpraxis ! Just look at the history of antisemitism in Poland -- and not just during the Third Reich's temporary obliteration of that Nation -- and you shouldn't be the least bit surprised that Jewish rituals would, sooner or later, loop back against the Jews -- who at one time took up a very large proportion of Jewish business and professional life, not to mention the Polish civil service. What self-respecting Jew would want to live in Poland now, in any case? Finally, who is to say that the damned ritual of slitting a poor creature's throat and letting it bleed to death while still alive is not painfully felt by the miserable animal. How'd some Jews like to meet their end in such a manner! I doubt they'd find it all "painless!"

The Jewish faith requires slaughtering livestock by slitting the animal's throat while it is still conscious.

WARSAW - Jewish groups said on Wednesday a Polish court ruling on methods used to slaughter livestock could halt the production of kosher meat, threatening their religious freedom in a country where Nazi Germany massacred millions of Jews in World War II.
Poland's Constitutional court this week reinforced a law that states livestock has to be stunned before slaughter, ruling out the practice stipulated by the Jewish faith of slaughtering the animal by slitting its throat while it is still conscious.
The court took up the case after lobbying from animal rights groups who said the kosher method was cruel. But the case has inflamed religious sensitivities in Poland against the backdrop of the Holocaust when Poland was under German occupation.
"While it may not be their intention, those who seek to proscribe Jewish traditions in general and shechitah (kosher slaughter) in particular are reminding the Jewish community of far darker times," Aryeh Goldberg of the Rabbinical Centre of Europe said in a statement.
"We call on the Polish government to find a legal caveat which will ensure the continuation of shechitah, which is such an important part of Jewish life ... all over the world and particularly in Poland," Goldberg said.
The European Jewish Association called the ruling "devastating to Jewish welfare and freedom of religion", and said it was sending a letter of protest to the Polish president.
Animal rights activists have challenged religious slaughter customs in France and the Netherlands, mostly in terms of halal slaughter by Muslims, which like kosher slaughter requires animals to be conscious when killed.
The Polish dispute has echoes of a case in neighbouring Germany this year. There, a court ruling outlawing circumcision of young boys on medical grounds raised an outcry from Jews and Muslims, who said it curtailed their religious freedom. The German ruling is to be overturned by new legislation.
Poland was home to Europe's largest Jewish community before the outbreak of war in 1939, but the Holocaust all but wiped it out. Nazi concentration camps including Auschwitz and Treblinka were located on Polish soil.
The Jewish community in Poland now numbers about 8,000, according to official figures, though community leaders say the real number is higher. Poland's population stands at 37 million.
Small quantities of kosher or halal meat are produced for Poland's Jewish and Muslim communities. In addition, Polish slaughterhouses have begun exporting to countries such as Turkey and Israel, and so have increased the quantities of livestock killed in accordance with religious rules.
Jewish groups say the kosher method of slaughtering meat does not cause unnecessary suffering to the animal.
Poland has for years had a law requiring that vertebrate animals are stunned before they are killed in abattoirs. The agriculture ministry issued a decree waiving this requirement in cases where it clashed with religious rules.
The constitutional court, in its ruling this week, which cannot be appealed, said that the ministry's waiver was unlawful and would cease to apply from the beginning of next year.
European Union legislation does allow for slaughter according to Jewish and Muslim rites, but there is uncertainty over whether, in this case, the Polish or EU legislation takes precedence.
Piotr Kadlcik, head of the Union of Jewish Communities of Poland, said that besides the substance of the court's ruling, he was troubled by the tone of the debate surrounding it.
"The outrageous atmosphere in the Polish media surrounding shechitah reminds me precisely of the similar situation in Poland and Germany in the 1920s and 1930s," he told Reuters.
"The style of these media reports was really similar: the (allegations of) disgusting practices and big business for a certain group of people. The tribunal may have felt obliged to react more promptly given this kind of hue and cry."

-- Karl Wolff III, Communications Director, National Socialist Party. 1488!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Tel Aviv ROCKS as Bus Slammed by ROCKET !

From the NSP News Service: The National Socialist Party CONGRATULATES Gazan forces for the explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv (sea-side Jew Money Town), as noted in story below. The NSP also urges the government of the United States to stay out of this "crisis," let the chips fall where they may, and remove any American officials or miltary forces from the area, including Egypt. It might well be that, in the final analysis, the Palestinian forces and the freedom fighting group Hamas will do much better against Israeli forces than one would at first imagine. ROCK ON Hamas, and keep up the good fight! Push the Jew pseudo-state of "Israel" into the sea!

Explosion hits bus in Tel Aviv as deadly Gaza crisis rages
Updated at 8:04 a.m. ET: An explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv on Wednesday injured 19 people, three of them seriously, an official told NBC News as the deadly Gaza crisis continued.
The blast happened as Israeli airstrikes continued to shake the Gaza Strip and Palestinian rockets were fired into Israel, amid negotiations about a possible truce.
Tel Aviv police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told the U.K.'s Sky News that the bus blast took place in the heart of the city and that the surrounding area had been cordoned off as police searched for suspects.
"At the moment, we're looking to see exactly what was the cause of the explosion itself," Rosenfeld said, adding it might have been caused by a device left on the bus or taken on by a passenger.
"This was a terrorist attack," Ofir Gendelman, a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told Reuters.
The White House condemned the attack as "outrageous." In a statement, it reaffirmed the United States' "unshakeable commitment to Israel's security and our deep friendship and solidarity with the Israeli people."
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arrived in Cairo on Wednesday, where she was due to meet Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi. Speaking earlier in Jerusalem, she assured Netanyahu of "rock-solid" U.S. support for Israel's security and spoke of seeking a "durable outcome" and of Egypt's "responsibility" for promoting peace.
Avital Leibovich, an Israel Defense Forces spokesperson, said on Twitter that the blast happened near her office. "Still looking for the bomber, more police sirens, helicopter still in the air," she tweeted at about 5:43 a.m. ET.
'Hamas blesses the attack'
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri praised the bombing, but stopped short of claiming responsibility.
Nir Elias / Reuters Israeli police survey the scene after an explosion on a bus in Tel Aviv Wednesday.
"Hamas blesses the attack in Tel Aviv and sees it as a natural response to the Israeli Gaza," he told Reuters. "Palestinian factions will resort to all means in order to protect our Palestinian civilians in the absence of a world effort to stop the Israeli aggression."
More photos: Explosion hits bus in Tel Aviv
Sweet cakes were handed out in celebration in Gaza's main hospital, which has been inundated with wounded from the round-the-clock Israeli bombing and shelling, Reuters reported. Celebratory gunfire also rang out in Gaza City when local radio stations reported the news.
The last time Israel's commercial capital was hit by a serious bomb blast was in April 2006, when a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 11 people at a sandwich stand near the city's old central bus station.
Egypt's new Islamist government, which is mediating talks, had floated hopes for a cease-fire by late Tuesday between Israel and Hamas, the Islamist movement controlling Gaza.
But as Clinton arrived in Israel after nightfall Tuesday, Israel stepped up its bombardment from air and sea. At one point, munitions slammed into Gaza at a rate of one every 10 minutes, Reuters said.
Gazan rocket fire waned overnight but resumed before dawn on Wednesday. Israel said early Wednesday that 30 rockets had been fired since midnight. Ashkelon and Saar Hanegev were reportedly hit, but there no reports of damage or injuries.
Oliver Weiken / EPA A Palestinian looks at government offices destroyed in an Israeli airstrike in Gaza City on Wednesday.
Medical officials in Gaza said 31 Palestinians were killed on Tuesday. An Israeli soldier and a civilian died when rockets exploded near the Gaza frontier, police and the army said.
So far a total of more than 130 Palestinians and five Israelis have been killed in a week of conflict, according to Reuters and The Associated Press.
The Israel Defense Forces website said Wednesday that the IDF had targeted more than 100 "terrorist sites" overnight, including Hamas' Ministry of Internal Security, a police compound and a "military hideout" used by "senior operatives."
In downtown Gaza City, a strike leveled the empty, two-story home of a well-known banker and buried a police car parked nearby in rubble.
"This is an injustice carried out by the Israelis," the house's caretaker, Mohammed Samara told The Associated Press. "There were no resistance fighters here. We want to live in peace. Our children want to live in peace. We want to live like people in the rest of the world."
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Israel Radio quoted an Israeli official saying a truce was held up due to "a last-minute delay in the understandings between Hamas and Israel."
Hamas leaders in Cairo accused the Jewish state of failing to respond to proposals.
Like most Western powers, Washington shuns Hamas as an obstacle to peace and has blamed it for the Gaza conflagration.
A U.N. Security Council statement condemning the conflict was blocked on Tuesday by the United States, which complained that it "failed to address the root cause" -- the Palestinian rockets.
NBC's Lawahez Jabari, Ian Johnston and Andy Eckardt, Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
-- excerpted from sources noted above by NSP News Staff, Karl Wolff III, Director. 1488!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jews SLAUGHTER Palestinian Civilians: The Latest !

From the NSP News Service:  See, what did I tell you? And the Palestinian civilian casualty count will worsen, to be sure. Jews are complete animals, and Israeli's are the worst after American Jews, so I suppose that we should expect nothing less than what the brief news clip below elucidates. We at the NSP reaffirm our SUPPORT OF HAMAS ! We proudly display the Palestinian flag next to the Swastika in our offices !

On Sunday, five Palestinian civilians were killed in airstrikes, including four children ranging in age from one to seven, according to Ashraf al-Kidra, a Gaza health official. Two of the children, a 3-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy, were from the same family and were killed by an airstrike on their home in the Jebaliya refugee camp.
The deaths bring to 51 the number of Palestinians killed since the operation began on Wednesday. One third of the dead were civilians, and more than 400 civilians have been wounded, al-Kidra said.

-- Karl Wolff III, for the NSP. 1488!

Saturday, November 17, 2012


From the NSP News Service:  Just as the National Socialist Party predicted, the innocent civilian casualty toll in Gaza will rise incrementally as Jews from the pseudo-state of "Israel" retaliate against the efforts of the people of Gaza to assert self-determination. Needless to say, the NSP strongly condemns these "Israeli" atrocities and supports the efforts of Hamas to bring liberation to Gaza. And, as a significant aside, when acting like this, how can any Jew complain about the so-called "Holocaust!?"        [ed.--please scroll down a bit.]

Gaza kids at risk in crowded urban battle zone

The mother of 10-month-old Palestinian infant Haneen Tafesh holds the dead body of her daughter.
AP Photo: Bernat Armangue
Child psychologists say the trauma of war stays with children for a long time.

The mother of 10-month-old Palestinian infant Haneen Tafesh holds the dead body of her daughter.
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip — The image of a dead preschooler cradled by the prime ministers of Egypt and Gaza in a hospital hallway has drawn attention to the dangers Gaza's children face in this crowded urban battle zone.
Children make up half of Gaza's population of 1.6 million and seem to be everywhere in the current round of cross-border fighting between Israel and Gaza's militant Hamas rulers.
Children loitered Friday outside a Gaza City morgue for a glance at the latest "martyrs." Others followed adults to funerals or even rushed to the site where Israeli missiles had just struck a government building and fire was still smoldering. Despite outward bravado, young boys of elementary school age said quietly that fear of airstrikes kept them awake at night.
So far, six of 28 Palestinians killed in Israel's offensive this week have been children, ranging in age from just under 1 to 14 years, according to Gaza health officials. Most were killed by shrapnel while in or near their homes. In Israel, 12 children were hurt in rocket attacks this week.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Hamas of using Gaza's civilians, particularly children, as human shields by launching rockets from crowded residential areas.
Gazans argue that Israel is unleashing massive airstrikes on their territory without regard for civilians. They say that even Israel's self-described surgical strikes on militant targets put civilians at grave risk in Gaza, one of the world's most densely populated places.
Mahmoud Sadallah, the 4-year-old Gaza boy whose death moved Egypt's prime minister to tears, was from the town of Jebaliya, close to Gaza City. The boy died Friday in hotly disputed circumstances.
The boy's aunt, Hanan Sadallah, and his grief-stricken father Iyad — weak from crying and leaning on others to walk — said Mahmoud was killed in an Israeli airstrike. Hamas security officials also made that claim.
Israel vehemently denied involvement, saying it had not carried out any attacks in the area at the time. Gaza's two leading human rights groups, which routinely investigate civilian deaths, withheld judgment, saying they were unable to reach the area because of continued danger.
Mahmoud's family said the boy was in an alley close to his home when he was killed, along with a man of about 20, but no one appeared to have witnessed the strike. The area showed signs that a projectile might have exploded there, with shrapnel marks in the walls of surrounding homes and a shattered kitchen window. But neighbors said local security officials quickly took what remained of the projectile, making it impossible to verify who fired it.
Mahmoud's 12-year-old cousin Fares was injured in the right leg by shrapnel and was still visibly shaken several hours after the incident. "It's terrifying. I don't sleep at night," the boy said of the massive Israeli air attacks of the past three days. "I'm staying up all night."
Mahmoud's body was taken to Gaza City's main Shifa hospital around midmorning, just as Gaza Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas was showing Egyptian Prime Minister Hesham Kandil around the wards of patients.
One of the Sadallah's neighbors, carrying the lifeless boy, pushed through a throng of Hamas security men to reach the politicians. Eventually, the two prime ministers were photographed cradling the child.
Fighting back tears, Kandil called on Israel to halt its offensive.
"What I saw today in the hospital, the wounded and the martyrs, the boy ... whose blood is still on my hands and clothes, is something that we cannot keep silent about," he said.
In the propaganda war between Israel and Hamas, the suffering of children has served as a powerful tool.
Israel has repeatedly accused Gaza militants of cynically exploiting children. Netanyahu alleged Thursday that "Hamas deliberately targets our children, and they deliberately place their rockets next to their children."
On Thursday, a rocket attack on an apartment building in the southern Israeli town of Kiryat Malachi wounded a baby and a 4-year-old child, along with killing three adults. Photos showed rescuers evacuating the baby, who was covered in blood. In addition, 10 children have been hurt by shrapnel, Israeli paramedics said.
The rockets fired from Gaza are relatively crude and Israel says their main purpose is to instill fear and harm Israeli civilians. Gaza militants have fired hundreds of rockets since Wednesday, paralyzing large areas of the country where civilians were ordered to stay close to home or bomb shelters. The fighting has forced tens of thousands of Israeli children to stay indoors, and schools in southern Israel have been closed for the past two days.
Israel, meanwhile, has pounded Gaza with dozens of rapid-fire airstrikes, with loud booms ringing out, sometimes just minutes apart. Few civilians ventured into the streets Friday, particularly after dark. In Gaza City, a tractor-pulled cart loaded with women and children had a white flag dragging on the ground behind it, presumably as an extra precaution.
Some of the Gaza boys trying to get close to the "action" put on a brave face.
"I'm not afraid of the rockets the Jews are firing," said 10-year-old Mohammed Bakr, waiting outside the Shifa Hospital morgue for bodies to arrive. But, he acknowledged, "I like it better when it's quiet."
Mohammed and his cousin, 12-year-old Udai, said they had seen many dead bodies, including during Israel's last major offensive in Gaza four years ago. Both boys come from large families, as is typical in Gaza — Mohammed said he has nine siblings and Udai has six. Overwhelmed parents often find it difficult to keep tabs on all their children in dangerous times.
"Our parents tell us to stay home, but we don't," said Mohammed with a smile. "We want to see the martyrs."
Earlier, another group of boys tried to get closer to the ruins of a former Hamas government building, with smoke still rising from an Israeli strike. Hamas policemen tried to push them away, shouting that there was concern about unexploded ordnance.
Adults often pressure children not to show fear. Asked if they were scared, several boys waiting for Mahmoud's funeral procession to begin nodded. However, when an adult showed up and told them that Gazans are not afraid, they quickly stopped talking.
Child psychologists say the trauma of war stays with Gaza's children for a long time.
Hussam Nunu, the head of Gaza's Community Mental Health Program, said close to a third of the about 1,500 patients treated every year are children affected by stress and violence. After Israel's last offensive four years ago, the number of children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorders was "overwhelming," he said.
"Since then we have done a lot of outreach, but when another escalation like this happens, our work can be undone," he said.   --from the AP through NSP Communications Director, Karl Wolff III. 1488!