Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Nutty Crap "for the record!"

From the NSP News Service: Just another nutty black guy or does anyone believe this crap? Just keep scrolling down, and enjoy yourselves as you do!

-- Dr. Jacques A. Pluss, Commander, NSP. 1488!

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Billy-Bob Hickster and his lover Alpine Creosote.

From the NSP News Service: Just as an example of how whacky and unfair the U.S. Government can be, I note for you that two of our acquaintances, Billy-Bob ad Creosote, recently received over $40,000 from the Social Security Disability Insurance office for a completely scammed and untrue application alleging that Miss Creosote received serious back and shoulder injuries in 2010 which prohibited her from working for nearly four (!!!) years! Shit! Now, they're looking for a house to buy in the Wantage, NJ area on her ill-gotten gains. May the spirit of the Fuehrer make their journey difficult and fraught with grief!

On another, unrelated note, it's good to be personally posting again after that whole bunch of dross the New Jersey "law enforcement" and Bureau of Prisons put me through, and to no substantive purpose whatsoever. The whole episode makes me love the United States all the more!

-- Dr. Jacques Anthony Pluss, Commander, NSP.  1488!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Obama, Lies, and the Crimea Problem.

From the NSP News Service:  One must have under 5 operating brain cells to realize that United States troops will "officially" be in the Crimea, while at the same time, Obama also discusses avoiding conflict of war in the Crimea, which would surely involve American troops! How stupid does he and our Federal government think we are -- or are most Americans really that idiotic?

As for any young man who does not wish to be drafted into the armed forces, well, give careful thought to your options -- before it is too late. And one need only recall what a nasty mess the Crimea made in World War II, for the Axis and the Allied forces.

Ach, good fuck'in luck, folks!

Karl Wolff III, Associate Director, NSP.  1488!

For more, just read the article in any reputable print media or internet news site. 

What's at Stake in the Crimea Referendum and How Will US React?

Friday, March 7, 2014

Blacks, Jews, and the Pluss Quandry.

From the NSP News Service: What's the sense, we hold, in going into more developments in the Ukraine or the mounting possibility of direct American involvement there. We surely hope that does not occur. However, it would not surprise us one bit if American troops, in the form of various Special Forces groups, are there already. Who knows, perhaps history will later reveal that the United States played a key role -- more so than the Russian Federation -- in starting up the whole mess, for reasons which are well-cloaked now.

More significantly, in relation to the events which our Commander, Dr. J. Pluss, was forced to endure between August, 2013 and February, 2014, the NSP believes it more than appropriate to go into intimate detail regarding those events -- even though it appears that the conventional "media" accorded the episode(s) little to no coverage. Well, no matter, since no details can be released by us due to a court order amounting to a "gag rule." All we are free to report that is that Dr. Pluss suffered little to no legal or financial penalties, but a great deal of aggravation. So be it.

As Dr. Pluss continues to work at home, albeit slowly and deliberately, on his Battle of Berlin 1945 volume and other Third Reich research, we at the NSP wonder (as does Dr. Pluss) why, whenever someone turns on the Television, he or she is confronted by a constant barrage of Blacks and Hispanics? Why has the "minority touch" become the "majority punch" of visual, audio, and electronic media, at least on the east coast of our once Aryan nation? For certain, unending liberal to communist, godless Jewish influence is to blame. After all, what could a Black or a Latino ever accomplish without the "Jewish push" and the support of Wigger whites who exhibit, on a never-ending basis, a hatred for the values of (most of) their earlier American ancestors?

Shame. Damn shame.

-- Thomas Folz, Assistant Director of the Party and Associate Director of Propaganda, 1488!