Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Now, here's a real "Tempest in a Teapot" over Adolf Hitler -- In India?

Readers, just check this one out! And people are getting upset about this nonsense? Oh, leave the poor merchant alone, will you all? Moreover, the "6,000,000 Jewish Dead Holocaust" story is, now, a debated issue in serious historical circles. Even more stunningly idiotic is the notion that Adolf Hitler, Third Reich Fuehrer of Germany, is entirely and solely responsible for whatever persecution and deaths did occur (and, sure, some did, but 6,000,000? That figure has left the realm of history and entered moral myth-fantasy)!  And you'll note, wherever and whenever some "little guy" is judged to "step out of line" on any "Hitler Issue," a plethora of groups, many very powerful, rich, manipulative and Jewish, trample all over him!  Remind you of what recently happened to someone? -- Wolff.

From the AFP, via yahoo, 8/28/2012:

 The owner of an Indian clothing store said Wednesday that he would only change its name from "Hitler" if he was compensated for re-branding costs, amid a growing row over the new shop.
The outlet, which sells Western men's wear, opened 10 days ago in Ahmedabad city in the western state of Gujarat with "Hitler" written in big letters over the front and with a Nazi swastika as the dot on the "i".
"I will change it (the name) if people want to compensate me for the money we have spent -- the logo, the hoarding, the business cards, the brand," Rajesh Shah told AFP.
He put the total costs at about 150,000 rupees ($2,700).
Shah insisted that until the store opened he did not know who Adolf Hitler was and that Hitler was a nickname given to the grandfather of his store partner because "he was very strict".
"I didn't know how much the name would disturb people," he told AFP by telephone from Ahmedabad. "It was only when the store opened I learnt Hitler had killed six million people."
Members of the tiny Jewish community in Ahmedabad condemned the store's name, while a senior Israeli diplomat said the embassy would raise the matter "in the strongest possible way."
"People use such names mostly out of ignorance," Israel's Mumbai Consul General Orna Sagiv told AFP.
Esther David, a prominent Indian writer in Ahmedabad who is Jewish, said she was "disturbed and distressed" by the shop, but added that some Indians used the word "Hitler" casually to describe autocratic people.
David said Jewish residents had sought to change Shah's mind about the store's name and told him about the Holocaust.
The row evoked memories of a controversy six years ago when a Mumbai restaurant owner called his cafe "Hitler's Cross" and put a swastika on the hoarding, claiming Hitler was a "catchy" name.
The restaurant owner eventually agreed to change the name after protests by the Israeli embassy, Germany and the US Anti-Defamation League.
Hitler attracts an unusual degree of respect in some parts of India, with his book "Mein Kampf" a popular title in bookshops and on street stalls.
Gujarat schoolbooks issued by the Hindu nationalist state government were criticised a few years ago for praising Hitler as someone who gave "dignity and prestige" to the German government.

Germany: Enough with Guilt-Motivated Political Repression!

The following story was excerpted from yahoo news, as yahoo reported it from the original article from Reuters, and composed in Dusseldorf.  The story is a horrid example of German "official policy" on present-day internal political issues, motivated by "guilt" arising from Third Reich actions. If, however, so many special interest groups, especially Jewish ones, would accept the rectitude of Germany's historical past, and move on, and if the German government showed some spine (!!!), then freedom and reason within the German political state would once again rise to the fore! -- Wolff.

DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - Nearly 1,000 police officers raided clubhouses and apartments of known neo-Nazis in western Germany on Thursday after a ban was placed on three violent far-right groups in the country's most populous state.
Ralf Jaeger, interior minister of North-Rhine Westphalia, announced the ban as part of an intensified crackdown on neo-Nazis in the industrial state. Police searched 146 premises, confiscating weapons, computer hard drives and election posters of the far-right National Democratic Party (NPD).
"(The objects seized) expose the tight bonds within the far-right scene," Jaeger said, referring to the relationship between the NPD and groups of violent militants known as "Kameradschaften".
Jaeger called the groups affected by the ban "xenophobic, racist and anti-Semitic", adding: "They employ fists and knives against their political opponents."
Although no arrests were made, Jaeger said the seizures could bolster attempts to ban the NPD, which Germany's national intelligence agency says is racist, anti-Semitic, revisionist and inspired by Adolf Hitler's Nazi ideology.
Groups with explicit neo-Nazi ideology are prohibited in Germany, but the NPD has so far been able to skirt politicians' and security officials' attempts to ban it. One such attempt against the NPD failed in 2003 after witnesses in the case were exposed as intelligence agency informants.
"We will continue to crack down on these enemies of the state and tread on their black leather boots," Jaeger said, referring to the footwear popular among skinheads.
The NPD has representatives in two state assemblies - Saxony and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern - but not in the federal parliament. It blames immigrants for crime and unemployment and its voters are mostly unemployed young men with little education.
(Reporting By Anneli Palmen, Matthias Inverardi; Writing By Chris Cottrell; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Lester Murphy's Kingdom: High Point Equestrian Center, Montague NJ

Nobody knows how to hold on to people's money better than Lester Murphy. He could charm the socks right off you! Why, ask any female riding student! Yep, he's charming alright, and he's ready to take anybody's cash -- just check out that neo-Nazi connection of his, too! As if these Nazi's and neo-Nazi's haven't caused enough trouble, from the 1920's to 2012. But could Murphy care, as long as he can hold on to neo-Nazi money to support his little kingdom? Gee, I wonder what any of the many antifascist "watchdog groups" or any major Jewish organization would have to say? At a glance, Murphy and his petty kingdom look pretty good -- but delve below the surface, hang out at his place for a while, try to check into his style of life and his lack of income, and suddenly the little kingdom will start to look pretty shady. While you're at it, ask him about the fate of furniture in his little house, or the manipulation of the social welfare system -- foodstamps?  See "High Point Equestrian Center Harbors neo-Nazi Partner and his Money" on!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

High Point Equestrian Center in Montague NJ Harbors neo-Nazi Partner and his Money!

Taken from a Letter to the International Olympic Committee, August 24, 2012, by Israeli-American Horse Enthusiast Mrs. Jessica Strauss:  But WOW!

Dear Madam or Sir: High Point Equestrian Center, LLC, Montague, NJ, 07827, is an equestrian facility owned by a number of individuals and managed by general-manager-partner Mr. Joseph Lester Murphy. Since 1999, one of the partners in High Point Equestrian Center has been – and still is – Dr. Jacques Pluss. Pluss is a convicted felon and has been termed “one of the most virulent Nazi’s in the United States” by Professor (emeritus) Stanley Wertheim, a leading Jewish figure in New York City and an avid internet neo-Nazi hunter. Mr. Murphy has been compliant in accepting (and not returning) Pluss’s money to help keep High Point Equestrian Center in “the black”, knowing full well that Pluss is a proselyte for the neo-Nazi cause in the U.S. Pluss’s Certification an an ARIA Riding Instructor was revoked in 2005 when he became a “cause celebre” in the US and European News for passing his political beliefs on to students he taught at Fairleigh Dickinson University (Teaneck, NJ) and to students he instructed in hunter/jumper skills at a number of New Jersey barns.
Something should be done about Murphy, who is a "silent partner," if you catch my meaning, in Pluss’s endeavors. Pluss himself has been “taken care of” through his various criminal convictions, but still “haunts” the US equestrian scene and High Point. Haven’t the Israeli’s and other Jewish athletes suffered enough because of the Olympics, starting with the ghastly 1972 incident(s)?
Thank you kindly.
Jessica Strauss, at

Sunday, August 19, 2012

De Marco's Absolute neo-Nazi Nonsense. . . .

Noted below is a fine example of just about the worst reporting we've all seen in a long time, though it is not recent. It is sensationalistic, rakes muck at warp speed, quotes Dr. Jacques Anthony Pluss out-of-context, and is plainly incorrect in many places. Furthermore, this kindly De Marco character saw fit to excoriate Dr. Pluss in his January 2011 piece, but seems to adamantly refuse to permit a reply from Pluss or, more importantly, to report on his recent, rather mild sentencing. Finally, Dr. Pluss articulated a political and cultural position on the Internet; he never engaged in "spewing hatred," whatever in the world those so very subjective words happen to mean. Below,  I give you De Marco's original article title from the "Cliffview Pilot" -- although it may not be particularly complimentary to Dr. Pluss, it has a negative character precisely because it is a heap of garbage. It's truly too bad that many people read this sort of thing and actually believe it ! That, in and of itself, is nearly unbelievable, until we remind ourselves that this is America, where critical thinking has never been encouraged. All I can say to Mr. De Marco is: "I wish for you exactly what has happened to Pluss, nothing more and nothing less."  --  Wolff.

Home Bergen Neo-Nazi charged with ADL email threats spewed hatred online. (for the article, simply google the title and add De Marco or Pluss.)
In conclusion, the very words "neo-Nazi" are perfectly idiotic, except perhaps if one is employing them in contemporary Germany. "Nazi" is a German abbreviation, an acronym if you will, for a long string of German words used in Germany to describe the German National Socialist Workers Party in the 1920's through 1945.  The proper terms to be used in contemporary America are "National Socialist."  But that's not as sensationalistic as "neo-Nazi." Nor does it sound adequately diabolical. -- Wolff. 

Thursday, August 16, 2012

White Reference: Getting at the Truths behind the original Arrest, and the "Guilt" of Dr. Jacques Anthony Pluss.

White Reference: Pretend "Neo-Nazi" Jacques Pluss Arrested By SWAT Team In New Jersey For Threatening Anti-Defamation League Director Abe Foxman

A recent entry on the site noted above explains Dr. Jacques Pluss's sentence and comments upon the negativity expressed towards him on the "White Reference" site and on "comments" posted in late January, 2011, at the time of the utter over-kill employed by the NJ State Police in executing a search warrant and an arrest warrant. It is too bad that the WN community spends most of its energy on bashing one another. Does it take a SWAT Team, a Crime Scene Unit, a Cyber Crimes Unit, and a K-9 equipped bomb squad (plus a host of municipal police) to execute a search warrant and an arrest warrant on a then-57 year old man and his wife, asleep at 6:00 a.m. in their small garden apartment in Ridgewood, NJ? My lord, what sort of intelligence were the various police units relying on? Reports from Mickey Mouse? More details on this episode will unfold as Dr. and Mrs. Pluss's T59 Civil Suit against various NJ law enforcement agencies unfolds. And Dr. Pluss categorically denies that he ever threatened anyone by posting anything on any computer site or anywhere else, although "pleading out" the case was, according to his attorneys' advice, the simplest and wisest thing to do under the circumstances. And we know what those "circumstances" were, do we not?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

The "Holocaust": From History to Myth.

One need recall that the very defintion of  historical revisionism is to revise, that is, to take a new, fresh look at established hstorical assumptions. There can be no doubt that the "Holocaust" (a word not even employed to describe the treatment of Jews in the Third Reich era in Europe until around 1970), or, more less politically correct and morally "charged," the treatment of Jews presents a dark picture in the dense panorama of policies undertaken to reorder Europe according to Third Reich policy before and during World War 2. Clearly, harsh treatment, labor camps, concentration camps, and the like, existed in one form or another. Clearly, also, some Jews perished in those penal or labor institutions, mostly via disease and poor treatment. Finally, some Jews were executed in venues outside the "camp" system. Many of them were anti-German partisans executed according to the rules of War. Many, also, were executed not by Germans but by their very own countrymen, as it ought be noted that anti-Jewish sentiments ran as a strong current of European cultural commonplaces long before the second quarter of the twentieth century, and, obviously, not merely in Germany. That being said, it cannot be denied that some form of "Holocaust" (and I here use the term as a convenience) did surely occur as I note above, in less direct terms. But, the revisionist must ask, in what form; where; how many "victms"; why, exactly? Are the accepted historical assumptions correct? That's all revisionism does. It does not take a political or moral stance and "deny." Denial is another issue entirely. It certainly does not engage, as the standard "wisdom" does, in creating a myth for the purpose of moral extortion to benefit the alleged victims or descendants of the myth. To do so is to throw history aside, dirty it and exploit its victims. That, in and of itself, is a crime against humanity, as it is a "rape" of the historical record. In the long-run, myth-history will cave in upon itself and do great harm to those who insist the "myth" is true, is fact, and helps them. That implosion, however, may take centuries. Correcting a perversion of history usually does.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

National Socialism and My Joke on YOU!

It just so happens that, as I was reviewing my copy  of Johnson's "The Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man," I stumbled upon just about the best expression of what I have been doing with anything connected to National Socialism for many years. Here it is, and the joke is truly on you! You see, through it all, I have survived, grown, and thrived on your very gullibility, your inadequacies, your mediocrity, and your penchant to find an object to hate. You have all wasted your precious (?) time. As Johnson states, and with erudition, irony and wit: "I know that I am playing with fire, and I feel the thrill which accompanies that most fascinating pastime; and, back of it all, I think I find a sort of savage and diabolical desire to gather up all the little tragedies of my life, and turn them into a joke on society." That society, my White Natonalist and National Socialist Friends, is none other than you. I was never anything other than what I, for my own pleasure, pretended to be.