In most tellings of the government shutdown and the debt default flirtation
of 2013, President Obama and the Democrats got nearly everything they asked for
the Republican Party got next to nothing. Or worse than
nothing: ObamaCare, despite the botched rollout of its online
insurance mall, is more entrenched than ever and
less unpopular, and the GOP's favorability ratings have hit
historic lows in several polls.
That's not how Tea Party Republicans are telling it.
After the Wednesday morning House GOP meeting where House Speaker John
Boehner (R-Ohio) declared that his caucus had "fought the good fight" but lost,
says Jonathan Strong at National Review, "most of the
top conservatives who pushed the House GOP into an ObamaCare fight weren't very
introspective, offering positive words about the fight and hope for victories to
Such behavior is not too surprising,
says David Weigel at Slate. "Human beings have been
putting their best spin on defeats since the invention of 'winning' and
'losing,'" so of course Tea Party Republicans "are going to look for the Alamo
underneath the rubble of this loss." In fact, "some Republicans were declaring a
victory of sorts":
They had revealed President Obama to be a cynical
political operator. They had proved to voters that they did everything they
could to stop ObamaCare. When the next spending fight comes around, they
insisted that enduring this shutdown would strengthen their position. [
rounded up some quotes from supporters of the GOP shutdown
Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.): "I think this exposed
the president and made clear to the public that he's unwilling to compromise....
There's going to be a lot of focus over the next few months about the failures
of ObamaCare. It'll help Republicans because we stood up and fought — and
there's nobody who can blame Republicans, at this point, for ObamaCare. We did
what we could."
Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho): "I actually think we
wouldn't have been able to highlight the mistakes of the []
rollout without the government shutdown.... Every major newspaper would have
relegated it to A7 or A8. Now it's on the front page of every newspaper."
Rep. Matt Salmon (R-Ariz.): During the 16-day
shutdown, "most Americans probably thought, 'Wait a minute, I thought this was
supposed to be cataclysmic.' Like with sequestration — we were told the sun
wouldn't come out the next morning, and it did. It was much ado about not a
If House Republicans are declaring tentative wins, some conservative
commentators are declaring all-out victory. It may sound "quite delusional to
many people, particularly here in Washington,"
says Keith Koffler at White House Dossier, but the
Tea Party was "both sensible and victorious" in this battle. They are merely
reminding people, he insists, that America is already in a financial crisis, and
is "unable to pay our bills without the help of communist Chinese bureaucrats."
The Tea Party, with its willingness to demand a
stop to this freak show by shuttering the government and halting debt payments,
is revolutionary, but not radical. Because sometimes revolutionary action is the
reasonable course....The Tea Party is making a stand. The pundits will
say...that the Tea Party has been defeated today. But to the extent
conservatives have revived a movement, drawn attention to the problem, and even
forced a president with his eye on the next deadline into negotiations, there
will be victory in defeat. [
White House Dossier]
Jonah Goldberg at
National Review is less certain, but open to the possibility that
there's at least a silver lining for Tea Partiers. "Perhaps raising awareness
about ObamaCare alone was worth it,"
he says. "Maybe hammering home the message that the GOP is
foursquare against ObamaCare — and that ObamaCare is a disaster — is a
sufficiently valuable long-term message that it was worth going through all of
Even some more neutral sources, like
USA Today, are scoring the Tea
Party and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) — one of the key proponents of the shutdown
strategy — as winners. They may have failed to dent ObamaCare,
says USA Today's Susan Page, but "there were payoffs
for the conservative movement."
"Their base is as riled up as it's ever been, and they're raising record
amounts of money," Patrick Griffin, the Clinton White House's chief
congressional liaison,
tells USA Today.
As for Cruz, the freshman senator has "emerged as the clear standard-bearer
for the movement, a boost to his possible bid for the presidential nomination in
says Page. His poll numbers have taken a big hit among the
general population, but "Cruz's favorable rating among Tea Party supporters in
the Pew poll shot up to 74 percent, from 47 percent in June."
Cruz himself spent Wednesday pointing fingers at his Republican colleagues,
blaming their criticisms of his tactics for sinking the GOP's chances to defund
ObamaCare. "In defeat, Cruz sounds insane to his detractors — and his claim that
the country was rallying to his position are refuted by all reputable metrics,"
says John Dickerson at Slate. But oddly enough,
Cruz's gambit gets some validation from instances of Obama's leadership.
Dickerson explains:
Triumphant leadership can often appear to be on
the verge of certain doom moments before it succeeds. The best proof of this
also comes from Obama's leadership playbook: See Syria gambit. Before Cruz
defined what it meant to blunder ahead without a plan, President Obama was
refining that approach with his Syria policy. In that case, the president's
highly unpopular threat of military strikes, headed for a big defeat in
Congress, was averted at the 11th hour by a surprise Russian intervention that
led the Syrians to promise disarmament....
Following that lucky logic, it's possible to
envision a scenario where Cruz's long-shot effort to delay ObamaCare could have
been given a boost when the rollout of was so bad it seemed to
ratify every Republican doubt over ObamaCare not being ready for prime time. It
didn't matter that Cruz's campaign was so clearly doomed you could tell from
outer space. For men of ambition and deeply held views, there is little to
distinguish between success and total failure when you are in the thick of the
fight, guided only by the righteousness of your cause.
-- Karl Wolff III, Associate Director, NSP and NSP Communications. 1488!