Tuesday, October 27, 2015

This about says it all.

In The Desert - Poem by Stephen Crane

In the desert
I saw a creature, naked, bestial,
who, squatting upon the ground,
Held his heart in his hands,
And ate of it.
I said, "Is it good, friend?"
"It is bitter -- bitter," he answered;
"But I like it
Because it is bitter,
And because it is my heart."

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Yep, that's Dr.Pluss, about August 12, 2013.

From the NSP News Service.  Nope, getting picked up twice in 3 days was no fun.  But at least I had a kool bunk-mate for 5 days in Essex County Jail (NJ).  My bunk-mate (for a 3 day stay) in Morris County Jail (NJ) was not quite as nice, but I had him moved, and the Correction Officers were pretty nice. All in all, this was quite a session, but some very heavy charges ended up being dropped to petty disorderly offenses as it was decided those who swore out complaints against me had little evidence to support their claims.  I walked on two fines, neither over $200.  Hah! And my wife Jessica was instrumental in keeping her composure and arranging my bail with a very good bail firm. They even provided some transportation for her when her (new) car had a bum battery cable.

So, the best revenge is living well.

-- Dr. Jacques Pluss, Director/Commander, NSP.  1488!

  • Jacques Pluss

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

No Support for "Isis!"

From the NSP News Service:  It has come to our attention that this blog was hacked some time around August 17, 2015.  The "Hacker" made some reference (with photos of crematoria at some facility they claim to be Auschwitz)) to the NSP being somehow associated with the terrorist group Isis.  Let it be made clear that neither the NSP as a whole nor any individual member or supporter of the NSP has any support for the terrorist organization called "Isis!" 

The NSP does support freedom and autonomy for the displaced people Palestine. It does condemn the oppression that Palestinians have endured, particularly in Gaza.  BUT that is a far cry from supporting a group as vile as "Isis."

-- Karl Wolff, Associate Director, NSP.   

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day.

A very happy Memorial Day (but how can it truly be "happy") to all WN Veterans out there!
Let's all think about how we can save the United States while there is still time to do so!

-- Dr. Jacques Pluss, Director, ANSP.  1488!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Just for your Information.

The Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal (VCM, VNCM) was a decoration presented by South Vietnam to recognize members of allied forces who served in the Vietnam War for a period of at least six months. Service members who were wounded, captured or killed in action were automatically awarded the medal regardless of time served. The "1960 Bar" device is given with the medal and was meant to indicate the years the war was fought from beginning to end. Since the Republic of Vietnam was conquered by North Vietnam in 1975, the government no longer existed and no end date was ever made for the bar.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Always Excellent!

Check out the Beautiful Artwork.  I mean no shit, guys.  4th pog patch.  Love it! -- Dr. J. Pluss.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

NSP Applauds Hamas and Hezbollah! 1/28/2015.

From the NSP News Service:  The latest news regarding Hezbollah--Israel conflict reflects a small victory for Hezbollah in the constant struggle over territory in southern Lebanonand,of course, areas. This brief News Vignetteis simply to reiterate the total support that the accords to Hezbollah and Hamas, particularly in the events shown by all major News carriers today, January 28,  2015!

--Karl Wolff  III, Associate Director,  NSP.  1488!

NB: See, in particular, news coverage on line at msn.com.worldnews.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

On Terrorism, French, Moslem or Otherwise, the NSP says "screw it all, blow it up, and start over."

From the NSP News Service:  There are myriad internet stories today, 17/1/2015, concerning the Paris terrorists, global terrorism, and related materials.     You  can start with this one and move your way through myopic cyber-idiocy:

French Probe Terror Suspect Links; New Attacks May Be Ahead. But those of us who can reach back to 1970's radicalism might recall -- and reread -- Bernhard Henri Levy's La Barbarie en Visage Humain (Paris, 1977) might remember that author's main point:  terrorism at that time was marked by a distinct penchant for non-educated, unread violence without an ideological or moral point.

At least our  "new modern" scoundrels have a religious or political leg on which to stand. Frankly, we find that a refreshing breath of real, true radical spirit, and we couldn't give a shit what gets destroyed or who gets killed. For us, the worse things get, the more popular the rightist groups like the NSP become, as the "sheeple" grope for stability.
-- Karl Wolff III, Associate Director, NSP.  1488!