From the NSP News Service: There are myriad internet stories today, 17/1/2015, concerning the Paris terrorists, global terrorism, and related materials. You can start with this one and move your way through myopic cyber-idiocy:
French Probe Terror Suspect Links; New Attacks May Be Ahead. But those of us who can reach back to 1970's radicalism might recall -- and reread -- Bernhard Henri Levy's La Barbarie en Visage Humain (Paris, 1977) might remember that author's main point: terrorism at that time was marked by a distinct penchant for non-educated, unread violence without an ideological or moral point.
At least our "new modern" scoundrels have a religious or political leg on which to stand. Frankly, we find that a refreshing breath of real, true radical spirit, and we couldn't give a shit what gets destroyed or who gets killed. For us, the worse things get, the more popular the rightist groups like the NSP become, as the "sheeple" grope for stability.
-- Karl Wolff III, Associate Director, NSP. 1488!