Friday, April 19, 2013

Perverse Police Overkill in Marathon Manhunt! American Cowardice!

From the NSP News Service: No, the NSP does not in any way support the terroristic actions which led to the horrible Marathon Bombings in Boston. However, the NSP also does not support the ridiculous "law enforcement" overkill in their attempt(s) to apprehend "suspects." Just look at all the armored crap in the photo below. Necessary? Nope, I doubt it. And as for the cities of Boston and Cambridge to become "ghost towns" in the wake of the search for the remaining suspects, it just goes to prove the complete lack of courage exhibited by the American populace. Why, in many nations, particularly in the Middle East but not confined to that area, life goes on more or less as usual after a "terroristic" incident. People in many other parts of the world have become accustomed to "living dangerously" and they have come to realize that, in this wonderful postmodern world we all have created (and are responsible for) it is truly the case that one can "go outside, suddenly 'get hit by a bus', and life goes on." That's the way it is now, folks, so why hide inside like scared little animals? Think of the odds of something happening to you, grab your briefcase or purse, and go the hell outside, remembering that you may not arrive home at the end of the day, but you probably will.

As for police swat teams and the like, they are, on the whole, full of steroids and very much over-prepared. They are as dangerous as the suspects they hunt, if not more so. Retire them!

-- Karl Wolff III, Director of Communications, NSP.  1488!
A tense night of police activity that left a university officer dead on campus just days after the Boston Marathon bombings and amid a hunt for two suspects caused officers to converge on a neighborhood outside Boston, where residents heard gunfire and explosions.

1 comment:

  1. Those Swat cops look like a KGB assault team. Idiots!
