From the NSP News Service: The NSP does not condone the actions of James Gilkerson, whose actions are described below. BUT the NSP strongly deplores the language used by the cops after the whole mess ended. "A terrorist, a scumbag, etc.?" That's what we get from our bold "men in blue" when the describe the "criminal," who would better have been described with language proper to the police -- no matter what sort of stress they've undergone, there's no excuse for speaking like "Trash" when they execute their duties, however difficult they may at times be!
In a telephone interview today, May 4, 2013, NSP Leader Dr. Jacques Pluss reminded this reporter that he, too, was described as a "scumbag and a terrorist (!!!)" when he was arrested in January, 2011 at his then-home in Ridgewood, NJ. As many readers know, it is alleged that Dr. Pluss sent an internet "bias threat" to a Jewish man. Pluss did plead guilty to that charge, largely for convenience sake, and is now serving a sentence of probation. But to call Dr. Pluss a "scumbag and a terrorist" to his and his wife's face, repeatedly, is a crime in and of itself! For it, the police must be called to task -- legally and legitimately -- and they will be. Dr. Pluss is far from a terrorist: he is primarily a scholar who studies the Third Reich, he holds multiple advanced degrees, he is a perfect gentleman, and to use the epithet "scumbag" to describe him is a "bias crime" in and of itself. But perhaps the police do not possess the intelligence or range of vocabulary to address civilians, especially those who are offering no resistance and are fully cooperative, in a humane, civil manner.
So much for our fine men in blue!
-- Karl Wolff III, Director of Communications, NSP. 1488!
Terrifying dash-cam footage captures the moment a crazed motorist opened fire with an AK-47 rifle at police officers who had just pulled him over for a minor traffic violation in Middlefield, Ohio.
James Gilkerson, 42, exited his parked car and then fired 37 shots at the officers and their patrol car, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reported. Officers Erin Thomas and Brandon Savage returned fire, killing Gilkerson.
James Gilkerson fired 37 bullets at police before they took him down. (Credit: Middlefield Police)
"He got of the vehicle, intending to kill my officers. We don't know why he did it," said Middlefield Police Chief Arnold Stanko. "He was a scumbag, and a terrorist, and he's dead."
In the March 10 video, Gilkerson exits his car--which the officers pulled over for running a stop sign--and sprays the patrol car with rounds of gunfire, cracking the windshield.Thomas, reportedly outside the patrol car on the driver's side, is heard shouting as bullets begin flying at them. Stanko said Gilkerson was shot several times, but kept firing; he even shouted, "Kill me." Savage returns fire through the windshield, after which the officers kill Gilkerson.
Thomas lost a finger in the shootout; Savage sustained minor injuries to his left thigh.
Here's the dash-cam footage of the shootout (Warning: Graphic imagery):
Stanko said eight 40-round magazines were found inside Gilkerson's car, as well as some disturbing reading material (e.g., Backyard Rocketry: Converting Model Rockets into Explosive Missiles and Homemade Detonators: How to Make Them).
Officials say the officers' actions were justified and no grand jury proceedings will be necessary.
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