Friday, October 5, 2012

Campus Life: Bleach Bombing not nearly as Effective as Tar and Feathers!

From the NSP News Service:  We commend the students who have found pleasure in the harmless undergraduate game of "bleach bombing." Yet we suggest that tarring and feathering -- a tried and true method of making a fine racialist point -- yields much more "colorful" results! -- Wolff.

A series of attacks apparently targeting minority students at the University of Texas stirred an anti-racism demonstration against the acts. The march on Tuesday night followed several weeks of “bleach bombing” attacks at apartments near the university's Austin campus. Several minority students reported that they had been bleach-bombed — that bleach-filled balloons were thrown at them from balconies of apartments in the West Campus neighborhood. They, and other demonstrators, believe the attacks were racially motivated. The incidents followed a spate of racially themed parties held by members of the school's Greek organizations, in which partygoers dressed as stereotypes of minority groups, drawing criticism

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