Wednesday, November 7, 2012


From the NSP Headquarters:  Here we go again! Four more years of assinine National leadership by a complete fool! As stated some time ago by the now deceased Dr. Jacques Miro PLUSS, "Let's all get naked, climb the nearest tree, and perch there banging a drum with one hand and fiddling our genitals with the other! That's what'll soon become of Western civilization." Now, just apply that, in specific terms, to the United States.

This is it. This is the end. Men marry men, women caress one another's crease of love, and Sodom has descended amongst us! The United States has gone to shit. The best the NSP hopes for is a second civil war at home and increased disastrous discord, involving a good whack in the gut for America, abroad.

Let's tear the whole goddamn mess down, pave it over, and start over (minus the "minorities," who aren't humans anyway).

-- Karl Wolff III, 1488!

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