Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Germany, CELEBRATE January 30, 2013!

From the NSP News Service: As one can see from the article below, many contemporary German continue to gulp down the usual Jewish-sponsored crap about the Third Reich era! Unfortunately, Mrs. Angela Merkel is sitting at the head of the Jewish table of phony delights. Now, before any readers "drink in" the utter garbage below, excoriating Adolf Hitler and the rise of the Nazi movement, let's just recall that Soviet leader JOSEF STALIN was a far more evil, murderous character than Hitler could ever have been. Other "Allied" leaders were just about as culpable, as well. Churchill, Eisenhower (Jew), Roosevelt (Jew), put tens of thousands of defenseless German "disarmed individuals" to death by starvation and other horrid means in the post-War period, 1945-49. Going to the Soviet Union, it was estimated as recently as 2008 that, even in 1979, no fewer than 72,000 German prisoners of war were still alive and performing slave labor in the nether regions of the Soviet state.

And the Jews moan about an almost surely fictitious 6,000,000 of their Tribe being "caused to die" by Germans or their collaborators in the Third Reich era. Hah! How many hundreds of thousands of Germans, in the Reich and in Greater Germany (i.e. "ethnic Germans"), were forcibly displaced (many eventually perishing) from their homes by Allied authorities after the War? Well, 300,000 perhaps.

Finally, what "tradition of democracy" might Merkel and other contemporary German leaders be making reference to? "German Democracy" is a post-War construct instilled in a defeated, impoverished Germany by Allied brainwashing and Jewish guilt-manipulation. Germany had a greater, and for them more natural, tendency toward autarchy, as did many European nations.

Germany, REAWAKEN!  Even now, you may be one of Western Civilization's last great hopes, as Jewish influence chokes the life out of most of the Western world!

Don't fall for this crap:

Speaking at the opening of a new exhibit at the Topography of Terror memorial documenting Hitler's election, Chancellor Angela Merkel called on Germans to stand by their principles.

BERLIN — On the 80th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's rise to power, Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to always fight for their principles and not fall into the complacency that enabled the Nazi dictator to seize control.
Speaking Wednesday at the opening of a new exhibit at the Topography of Terror memorial documenting Hitler's election, Merkel noted that German academics and students at the time happily joined the Nazis only a few months later in burning books deemed subversive.
"The rise of the Nazis was made possible because the elite of German society worked with them, but also, above all else, because most in Germany at least tolerated this rise," Merkel said.
After winning about a third of the vote in Germany's 1932 election, Hitler convinced ailing President Paul von Hindenburg to appoint him chancellor on Jan. 30, 1933 — setting Germany on a course to war and genocide.
"This path ended in Auschwitz," said Andreas Nachama, the director of the Topography of Terror.
The Topography memorial is built around the ruins of buildings where the Gestapo secret police, the SS and the Reich Security Main Office ran Hitler's police state from 1933 to 1945. A stretch of the Berlin Wall along the edge serves as a reminder of Germany's second dictatorship under the Communists in the 20th century.
Once chancellor, Hitler was able to use his position to consolidate absolute control over the country in the months to follow.
About a month after being appointed chancellor, Hitler used the torching of the Reichstag parliament building — blamed on a Dutch communist — to strengthen his grip on power. He suspended civil liberties and cracked down on opposition parties, paving the way for the police state.
By midsummer 1933, he had declared the Nazi Party to be the only political party in Germany. He later named himself "Fuehrer" or "Leader" of the country.
The fact that Hitler was able to destroy German democracy in only six months serves as a warning today of what can happen if the public is apathetic, Merkel said.
"Human rights do not assert themselves on their own; freedom does not emerge on its own; and democracy does not succeed on its own," Merkel said. "No, a dynamic society ... needs people who have regard and respect for one another, who take responsibility for themselves and others, where people take courageous and open decisions and who are prepared to accept criticism and opposition."
Following the morning ceremony, Germany's Parliament held a special session in tribute to those who died under the Nazi dictatorship.

-- Karl Wolff III, Director of Communications, NSP.   Heil Hitler!

P.S. -- and that's about all it deserves: did Auschwitz truly exist? Today, a "reconstructed" Auschwitz,
           located near the original site in south-western Poland, looks much like a "Holocaust Theme
           Park." Nobody knows what the "actual" site looked like, in precise terms. It may have
           originally been a Spa for wealthy Jews.

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