Friday, January 4, 2013

Groundbreaking "Historian" Gerda Lerner Expires in Semi-Demented State.

From the NSP News Service:  The NSP News Service has just learned that so-called "historian" Gerda Lerner died at the age of 92 in an assisted-care facility. One wonders what sort of concatenated nonsense she uttered with her last breath. While Lerner can be credited with taking part in certain "activist causes" from the early 1960's until about 2000, she can also be credited with inventing all sorts of pseudo-scholarship in the field of "women's studies," if one credits that area of study as an integral and legitimate field of study. Lerner's greatest act of folly was, in fact, promoted in her "ground-breaking" volume, The Creation of Patriarchy. According to NSP Leader Dr. Jacques Pluss, who holds a Ph.D. in medieval History from the University of Chicago (1983) and who was teaching at that institution when Lerner's volume flowed like vomit all over a hungry, sexually and intellectually bereft readership, Lerner did not possess the scholarly credentials to blow forth a her vile spew all over the historical profession. Lerner was trained primarily in American history, and did not have any actual training or expertise in prehistoric anthropology, ancient Mesopotamian culture, or any of the ancient Near Eastern languages (including Sumerian or Akkadian) on which she relied in order to promote her idiotic, dream-like confabulations about the "conversion" of very early Western culture from matriarchy to patriarchy. For example, Lerner set forth a truly butchered interpretation of the Mesopotamian "Epic of Gilgamesh" and the role of the "Naditu Woman" in the Babylonian legal code of Hammurabi. Yet she hit the stage of scholarship at just the right time to cause a great feminist fuss. The remainder of her career relied on feminist reverse discrimination in order to promote not only her own career interests but also to all but ruin the faculty and curriculum of the University of Wisconsin at Madison. The entire body of her scholarly work must be called into question. The complete career of this feminist kook ought to be reexamined in light of the grievous errors she promoted in her writing, her"activism," and her persecution of legitimate scholars (male and female) in favor of a "politically correct" agenda which she herself did a great deal to promote. Finally, her so-called persecution under Third Reich authorities must be completely discounted, since there is no concrete evidence that she was ever mistreated by them.

But just look at the fabled "praise" she receives in the conventional mass media, who are about as brainwashed as Lerner ever wanted them to be:

Imprisoned by the Nazis, Gerda Lerner later said, "Everything I needed to get through the rest of my life I learned in jail in those six weeks." She started the first graduate program in women's history in the U.S.

MADISON, Wis. — Gerda Lerner, a pioneer in the field of women's history and a founding member of the National Organization for Women, has died in Wisconsin, her son said. She was 92.
Lerner, who founded the nation's first graduate program in women's history, died peacefully Wednesday evening of apparent old age at an assisted-living facility in Madison, Dan Lerner told The Associated Press.
"She was always a very strong-willed and opinionated woman," he recalled. "I think those are the hallmarks of great people, people that have strong points of view and firmly held convictions."
Gerda Lerner was born in Vienna, Austria, into a privileged Jewish family in 1920. When the Nazis rose to power, she was imprisoned and spent her 18th birthday behind bars, in a cell with two other young women who had been arrested for political work. Jailers restricted rations for Jews, but the gentile women shared their food with her.
"They taught me how to survive," she wrote in "Fireweed: a Political Autobiography." "Everything I needed to get through the rest of my life I learned in jail in those six weeks."
She said the experience taught her how society can manipulate people. It was a lesson she saw reinforced in American academia by history professors who taught as though the only figures worth studying were men.
"When I was faced with noticing that half the population has no history, and I was told that that's normal, I was able to resist the pressure" to accept that conclusion, she told the Wisconsin Academic Review in 2002.
She became impassioned about the issue of gender equality. As a professor at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, N.Y., she founded a women's studies program — including the first graduate program in women's history in the U.S.
She later moved to Madison, where she helped establish a doctoral program in women's history at the University of Wisconsin.
Her daughter, Stephanie Lerner, said her mother earned a reputation as a no-nonsense professor who held her students to rigorous standards that some may not have appreciated at the time. One former student wrote to Gerda Lerner 30 years later saying no one had been more influential in her life.
"She said, 'I thought you were impossible, difficult, not understanding, but you gave me a model of commitment that I've never had before,'" Stephanie Lerner recalled. "That's just how she was."
Even as Gerda Lerner held others to high standards, she took no shortcuts herself. For example, Stephanie Lerner said her mother loved hiking in the mountains, even as she got older and her mobility was challenged.
Stephanie Lerner recalled one particular hike with her mother about 30 years ago on a steamy California day. Stephanie Lerner brought a light day-pack, but Gerda Lerner toted a hefty 50-pound sack because she wanted to train for future hikes.
"I was much younger and very in shape. But at a certain point I said I couldn't do it anymore," Stephanie Lerner said. "She just went on ahead. That was her joy, her determination."
Gerda Lerner wrote several textbooks on women's history, including "The Creation of Patriarchy" and "The Creation of Feminist Consciousness." She also edited "Black Women in White America," one of the first books to document the struggles and contributions of black women in American history.
She married Carl Lerner, a respected film editor, in 1941. They lived in Hollywood for a few years before returning to New York.
The couple was involved in activism that ranged from attempting to unionize the film industry to working in the civil rights movement.
When asked how she developed such a strong sense of justice and fairness, she told the Wisconsin Academy Review that the feeling started in childhood. She recalled watching her mother drop items on the floor and walk away, leaving servants to clean up her mess.
"I wanted the world to be a just and fair place, and it obviously wasn't — and that disturbed me right from the beginning," she said.
She became determined to fight for equality, and she encouraged others to take up their own fights against inequality. She said people who want to change the world don't need to be part of a large organized group — they just have to find a cause they believe in and never stop fighting for it.
She credited that philosophy for helping her remain happy despite the horrors she lived through as a young woman.
"I am happy because I found the balance between adjusting, or surviving what I was put through, and acting for what I believed in," she said in 2002. "That's the key."

-- Karl Wolff III, Director of Communications, The National Socialist Party.  1488!

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