Thursday, March 21, 2013

Iran on Attacking Israel: Go, Iran!

From the NSP News Service:  It is clear from the article excerpted below that 1) Iran is serious about attacking Israel if Israeli-American pressures on Iran's internal policies does not stop, or if Israel attacks Iran (with American covert aid, of course) 2) Iranian leaders understand very well that "talks" with Israel and/or America are essentially a complete waste of time, since neither Israel nor America wishes for true dialogue.

We at the NSP favor any attempts by Iran to obliterate Israel, which is a pseudo-State, a Zionist entity, and an illegal entity which bases itself not only on Judaism but also on stealing land from its rightful owners, the Palestinians.

Supreme leader's website via EPA Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, pictured Wednesday.
DUBAI -- Iran's most powerful authority said the Islamic Republic would destroy the Israeli cities of Tel Aviv and Haifa if Israel launched a military attack against it.
“At times the officials of the Zionist regime (Israel) threaten to launch a military invasion, but they themselves know that if they make the slightest mistake the Islamic Republic will raze Tel Aviv and Haifa to the ground,'' Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said during an address, broadcast live on state television.
Israel has threatened military action against Iran unless it abandons nuclear activities which the West suspects are intended to develop nuclear weapons, allegations Tehran denies.
Khamenei said he was not optimistic about proposals for direct talks with the United States about the nuclear program, saying Washington did not want the issues resolved.
"I am not optimistic about these talks. Why? Because our past experiences show that talks for American officials does not mean for us to sit down and reach a logical solution,” he said.
-- Karl Wolff III, Director of Communications, NSP.  1488!

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